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15. Fairy-Tale Romance (6-7)
Stil om to billeder (7)
Engelsk sproglig linie obligatorisk niveau, studentereksamen maj-juni 1990: Pictures (6)
Miranda, studentereksamen 1991 sproglig linie (6)

15. Fairy-Tale Romance

Once upon a time ... there was beautiful princess who lived in a castle far away in the mountains. She was very lonely, because her evil step-mother kept away any visitors. Then one day a prince came, from a country far, far away. The prince had heard about the princess, and went up to the evil stepmother, to propose a marriage of her daughter. Of course the evil stepmother wouldn't let him, but she had a proposal to him. If he could get the Strange Makran Rod. She said that the Strange Makran Rod is situated, at the top of The Great Cacogolem mountain, in a big former blackdragon cave. But she also said, that the way to the blackdragon cave very dangerous was, the blackdragon cave is protected by the tree mysterious Cacogolems, the tree Cacogolems is assumed to have strange dark powers, and if the prince get throw without getting captured, there is another challenge, the big and very intelligent Braingolem, the worst of all creatures ever created on this world. That meant he, he could. So he leaved the castle on his horse, against the mountain of The Great Cacogolem, in the hope of finding the Strange Makran Rod, and bring it back to the evil stepmother, so he could get his princess.
    After a few miles, he met a very old man. The old man asked where he was riding in such a hurry, and the prince said, that he was going to the The Great Cacogolem mountain, where he should find the Strange Makran Rod. The old man stood still a moment and said, that that was a very dangerous trip, so the old man gave the prince a magic amulet. The old man said, that the amulet would protect the prince against evil and dark powers, but it wouldn't work if he would use weapons of any sort, he should use his head. And then the old man disappeared into thin air, without leaving any trail. The prince thinked that, if you want to get throw, you're have to kill the Cacogolems and the Braingolem.
    After some more miles, the prince came to the way up to the mountain, and he thinked that now, there will not be far to the blackdragon cave. But after tree days, he wasn't come closer to the mountain top, that couldn't he understand, because he was sure he has ridden very, very far, but there was still the same far way to the top. He thought, that there where so far to the top, that man not could see how far man was gone, so he continued. After another tree days, he seemed that he wasn't come any further, but he continued in the hope of getting there. On the third day he met another strange old man, in a dark cloak. The man said, that it was hopeless to go to the top of the mountain on this road, because it was a magical road, and never ends. The good news where that the same man could help, because he was a man of great powers, he was a mage. So he teleportated the prince and the princes horse, to they're destination, the top of The Great Cacogolem mountain.
    When they arrived, the only thing they could see, was a giant door. The prince knocked on the door, but no one opened the door. So he opened the door himself, inside they're was nothing, accept a long tunnel with strange magical lights on each side. The prince wasn't afraid, so he entered the tunnel, and worked towards a light at the end of the tunnel. When he was at the end of the tunnel, he saw tree golems, tree Cacogolems, they just stand still, but he seemed forced to fight them. The prince took he's tohanded bastertsword and went berserk on the Cacogolems, they stand still there and where doing nothing, but sudden the prince stopped and felt to the ground. He was paralyzed, and couldn't do a thing. So the Braingolem came and ate the paralysed prince.
    After some time, came another prince to the castle, and he, as the first one, went up to the evil stepmother. To propose to her daughter, but he should first get the Strange Makran Rod. The evil stepmother told him, the hole story. And a split second after, was he on the road to The Great Cacogolem mountain. As the first one he met the to old men, and he also got ate by the big Braingolem, and that was it.
    After some more time came a third prince, a little younger then the first to. He went up to the evil stepmother and asked her, about her beautiful princess. He also got the story about the The Great Cacogolem mountain. He was fit for fight, so he left his horse, and begun go run to the mountain. After some miles he met a old man. The old man was a friendly man, so he gave the prince a fine amulet. The prince was very thankfully. After some more miles he also came to the endless road, and he went up the road. For nine days he went up the road, until he met another strange old man, who was so friendly to teleportate the prince, the way up the mountain.
    On the mountain he saw a big door, he didn't knock on the door, he just went in. He also just worked throw the tunnel. When he came out on the other side there was tree Cacogolems, but he was so enthusiastic, he just worked past the golems. Then he came to the Braingolem, the Braingolem was very surprised, because he could come past the Cacogolems. The Braingolem said that, if the prince could win over the Braingolem in chess, he would give the prince the Strange Makran Rod, but if not, he would eat him! The prince said yes, and they started to play, the prince have never played chess before, but he had a feeling, that he was doing the right thing, so he wasn't afraid. The Braingolem hadn't got a chance, the prince won.
    So the prince could return with the Strange Makran Rod to the evil stepmother. And he got the princess, and they lived happy ever after. (24/9-1997)


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Stil om to billeder

Det har af tekniske grunde desværre, ikke været muligt at få billederne med.

Picture 1:

On the black and white picture, you see an old man, who is pulling a wagon, with something of metal on it. The man, I think, is in an enginework, of some sort. He is very old, about 60-70 years, and has many furrows in his head. His also very dirty all over him, possibly because of oil and dust from all the machines, and his hair isn't fixed up. His clothes, a white shirt and probably blue or black workingjeans, are worn and old. In the background there are some dark boxes made of iron or some other metal, I think. And still futher away in the background, there are some machines of any kind. The man in the picture doesn't seem to be very happy at all, maybe he has worked all his life in that enginework, but are to old to get a new job. He doesn't either seem to be rich, he seems to be very poor instead. Either are the wagon very heavy or he has a bad back, because he isn't going upright, his going stooping instead and possibly not very fast.

Picture 2:

On picture 2 (also black and white), you see a man, about the same age as the one on the first picture, maybe a little younger. The man is sitting at a big smooth polished writingdesk. In his hand he is holding a pair of glasses and on the big desk there is to books. The man has a chequered tie on, a clean white shirt, and over all that he has black suit on. His hair are well fixed and he has clean hands. I think his the manager of the enginework on picture 1 or something like that.

The conversation between the worker and the manager

Manager: Please come in Paul....and have a set.
Worker: Thank you.
Manager: Do you want to have a cop of coffee?
Worker: Yes please, Hendrixen, that will be nice...Why have you called me in.
Manager: Yes...I have called you in, because I have bad news.
Worker: Bad news?
Manager: Very bad news. As you properly know, do we have problems with our customers. So
                we aren't selling so good at the moment.
Worker: Yes, but why have you called me, Hendrixen?
Manager: Yes...How long have we known each other, Paul - how long is it since we began to
                work here?
Worker: Yes, let me see, with this year, about 48 years I think..Its a long time, right.
Manager: Yes, you are obsolute right, its a very long time...Oh, you don't have more coffee, please
                take some.
Worker: Yes, yes...You look a little worried, have I right or what?
Manager: I'm afraid so...The problem is...(He holds a long pause)
Worker: Yes, that?
Manager: That...the firm doesn't earn...so much more, so we...
Worker: Take it easy old pal.
Manager: ...so we have to cut down the some of the...workers.
Worker: Workers?
Manager: (Says very sad) The board of directors have decided to discharge you...
Worker: (A very long pause) ...What...what have they done.
Manager: I'm afraid so. I tried to stop them, but you know. The same old story, you're to old.
Worker:   There was just three years to my retirement...damn.
Manager: I couldn't have done anything, you are the oldest.
Worker:   With most experience, I just don't believe it, it can't be true.
Manager: It is, believe me, Paul...I'm sure you can find a good job with another firm.
Worker: It will never be the same again, never. I have worked for 48 years here. 48 years, all my
                life have I worked here, I just can't believe it!
Manager: You have to.
Worker: I can't do something else?
Manager: No, I have asked the board of directors. I'm sorry.
Worker: (Another long break)...When...when will I be discharged?
Manager: At the beginning of the next month.
Worker: What shall I say to my wife, Hendrixen?
Manager: The truth, Paul, say the truth, there are no other way.
Worker: I don't want to retire, only old people retire, I'm not very old. I can easily work for some
                good years yet.
Manager: Yes I know. I know its hard, but you have to be positive, think forward.
Worker: Yes I know, I should be more positive, but its hard, very hard.
Manager: When you retire, you can easily find a hobby or something else to do, I'm very sure. You
                have always been good to do something different.
Worker: A hobby, I don't know what that should be. I don't have a clue.
Manager: Its a very strange world we are living in.
Worker: You are absolute right, its a strange world.
Manager: I think you need the rest of the day off, after all this. You are tired, and confused. Go
                home, Paul, and get your self a rest, that would help a little, I think.
Worker: I think you have right, I really need a rest.
                Have a nice day Hendrixen, I'll see you tomorrow.
Manager: Yes, see you, bye.
Worker: (Works out of the office) Bye.


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Engelsk sproglig linie obligatorisk niveau, studentereksamen maj-juni 1990: Pictures

Navn: Anders Skærlund Petersen
Klasse: 1z
Dato: 24/2-1998

Amina is a child of two Pakistani parents I propose they are emigrated to England for some years ago. Amina is properly born in England. Now Amina is living together with her parents in a little stockroom to her parents shop. Her parents works in the shop almost all day, so they does not have much time to spend with Amina, that means that Amina spends much time alone, watching television, she does properly not have many friends or even no friends at all to play with. The conflict is between Amina and her teacher, and Amina and her mother. The teacher meant that Amina should take her painting with Jesus and Mary with her home, so her parents could see her lovely picture, before it would get dusty and fade. The teacher properly said that because of the colour of Jesus' mother Mary was brown. The twenty-four other children had painted their Mary's white. Amina would also have her painting on the wall, together with all the other children's paintings, but her teacher continued to ask her to take it home, so Amina's parents could see her lovely painting. Amina obeyed and took her painting home, but still I think that Amina would like to see her painting on the wall, with the other children's paintings. The next conflict occurred when Amina showed her painting to her mother, her mother reacted in devastating Amina's beautiful painting. Amina's reaction was heavy cry, I think that surprised Mrs Iqbal a little. Amina, I think, was glad to show her mother the painting, but her mothers devastation of the painting was very unaspected, so therefore the crying. Mrs Iqbal tried to charm Amina down, by telling her about Jesus, Mary and Prophet Muhammed. I think that is so, the mother had an explanation to, what she had done, Amina took that story for good, so to say. After that Amina's mother took the Koran and some coloured pencils, and showed Amina what she should paint instead. The mothers meaning with that, I think was to learn Amina something about there religion and culture, by showing what is legal to paint, and what are not. The following day in school the children and Amina was painting Christmas cards, but instead of painting stables and so, Amina drawed patterns. The teacher reacted in getting a new card for Amina, so she could draw peoples, stables and so. But Amina rejected, to do that. Then the teacher gave Amina a new sheet of paper, so Amina could draw the picture of Mary again, but this time it would get on the wall with the other children's. I think Amina do not would to be dictated, as she was it, when she painted the first painting. As a result of that the teacher was pleased and at least said that the painting was "very good", and put it on the wall. I do not think the teacher put it on the wall, I rather think she trashed it. I think the ending is so because of, if Amina had come home with the card, she had been worried about her mother smashing it. So it was better that her mother did not see it.

Racism in school

I think, there is much racism in the school, especially the teachers is a little bit racists. I have a child from Pakistan, and if she e.g. paints something in the school, with people, that do not have the same colour as the rest of the people in the class. It will be specially handled, it will not come up on the wall, with the rest of the children's pictures and so on. Instead, the teacher orders my child to take the picture with her home. Why can my child not get the same care and respect, as the rest of the children? Yes, it is properly because my child has a different colour, is different and so on, but what if the teachers came in the same situation, what would they think and do? It is not acceptable, i hope this will get people op of there easychairs, and think over, what they are doing. Remember, we are breathing people as you are, so we have the same rights as other English citizen.

Mr. Iqbal

Oversættelse (translation):

More than 3000 schools over the hole country have been invitated to a contest with the motto Rainworms to the rainforest. The classes shall try to get the rainworms to transform as much waste as possible till compost, and the winner of The golden Rainworm gets a trip up the Amazon River with a visit by the rainforest native inhabitants as a reward.
    Few days after that this notice was in the paper, you could read the following objection from an expert: It is the microorganisms in the soil, which makes the compost, not the rainworms, and man can not make soil fertile just to add rainworms. They simply die, if there not is enough food for them. (24/2-1998)


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Miranda, studentereksamen 1991 sproglig linie

The story is about a girl, who is going to Boston for school. Before she flew to Boston, she had dinner with her boyfriend, Michael. After dinner she slept with Michael, and got pregnant because of that, but at this time she did not know. In Boston, she lived with her good friend Holly in an apartment on Beacon Street. After a month or so, she had a feeling that she was pregnant, so she went to the gynaecologist to check, the test went positive. First she told Holly of her pregnancy, then after a waile, she told Michael. Michaels answer, was that they should get married, but Miranda was not really sure. Then she told her parents, her parents answered in getting her home with almost the first flight. Home, the parents and her boyfriend discussed, what they should do with the baby. Miranda ofcause, wanted the baby very much, but her parents was very negative in putting the baby in the world. The parents idea of getting a abortion was the result of that "meeting", but Miranda felt as if she was sentenced to death. The parents then gave Miranda and Michael a honeymoon for Christmas to Acapulco.

Miranda is i think, properly from a better middle class workerhome, maybe with on of her parents as a academic. She is eighteen years old and attending university, at Boston University, therefore is she leaving her home town to live with her friend Holly. Her boyfriend is Michael, he's studying at law school.
    I think Miranda is a very sensitive person, because of, she is thinking a lot over thinks, especially when she is in Boston, in her friends apartment. One more point, that provides us with the idea , that she is very sensitive, is because of her relation to the many people Holly knows. I think the rush in and out with new and old people in Holly's house, is actually irritating Miranda a little.
    Michael comes also from a better middle class home, like Miranda, or even from a little higher class, because af his behaviour. That include, at his old Plymouth is parked behind the Corvette, i should mean that at Corvette is a car in something between Mercedes and Ferrari, or in english, a very expensive car, American "richware". And he's ofcause not studying english, no he is studying law.
    I think Michael takes, Miranda's pregnancy, overwhelmingly calm, if it does not come as af surprise. But it is properly more because of Michaels very calm nature and maybe because of, that he had being "planned" his engagement to her at some time now. So he was more prepared, than he rather would be.
    I think Miranda's parents, is fulfilling their typically parents point of view, quite good. Okay they are much negative in Miranda giving birth to that child, because if Miranda do not want to take enough care to the child, or simply do not have enough energi to have a child adn take care about it. I think that that's the main problem wih the parents.
    Holly is meant to be a contraversus to Miranda: Holly takes at lot boyfrinds with her home and sleeps with them, Miranda dont.

Circa thousand danes is been asked about their opinion on fugitives in Denmark. The number of answers, which reflects a positive suspension, is almost unchanged compared to a corresponding investigation taken place to years ago., but the opinion poll clearly shows, that a part of danes more negativly grown is.
    Almost all danish grown have a opinion on the fugitiveproblem. Principally the most mean, that we an obligation have to help the fugitives of the world, but it is a widespread understanding, that help ought to be given on distance. 69 pct. mean, the best, we can do, is to concentrate us to contribute to UN's fugitivework. (23/4-1998)


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©Anders Skærlund Petersen, 1998-99