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Vestkrafts Blok 3, worlds newest, best and cleanest powerplant. (?)
I/S Vestkraft is the main power
supply company in the vest of Jutland. Vestkraft have six powerplants all over Jutland,
Herningværket, Måbjergværket, a gasfired plant in Ringkøbing and one in Skjern, Blok 2
and 3 who is situated in Esbjerg. Esbjerg is the biggest city in the vest of Jutland, and
the five biggest in Denmark.
Blok 3 is four years old and coalfired. Blok 3 has a chimney there is
250 meters tall, so its the tallest building in Esbjerg or entire Denmark. The big white
building is 73 meters high, and its there the turbine is placed, of course its also there
the combustion chamber is placed. A turbine is a machine, who generates kinetic energy to
electricity. The turbine on Blok 3 generates 382 MW of electric energy, that's enough
energy to hold 500.000 single-family houses powered. The other buildings are laboratories,
controlrooms and cleaning facilities. Specially the cleaning facility is very efficient,
because it have the newest technology in the world. In the laboratories, they examine the
smoke from the chimney, to see, how polluted the smoke is. In the controlroom they control
the heat and the pressure of the steam, they can also see how much electricity the city
needs. The plant delivers also district heating to Esbjerg, Fanø and Varde. Varde is
about 18 kilometres north of Esbjerg and Blok 3, so the heated water is pump through pipes
in high pressure, to hold the water warm. Blok 3 burns over 1 million tons of coal every
year, the stock can hold about 1.5 million tons and 125,620 tons of oil. The coal comes to
Esbjerg and Blok 3 with "Panmax-ships" (ships there can pass through the Panama
Canal), every ship can have 40,000 tons of coal. The biggest delivery was on 46,144 tons
of coal and arrived the 11 of August 1994.
In December 1994, Blok 3 received a praise, from the distinguished
American scientific periodical "Electric Power International". The praise was
given because, Blok 3 was the worlds most effective coalfired powerplant in 1994.
For two weeks ago, I was to open house (powerplant) at Blok 3, and I
was amazed over how big, clean and effective the plant where. So now I have a better
conscience next time I turn on my computer or television. (2/5-1996)
©Anders Skærlund Petersen, 1998-99